This is the complete list of members for FMatrix4, including all inherited members.
AxisAngle(const FPoint3 &vec, double theta) (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | |
data (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | protected |
FMatrix4() (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | inline |
FMatrix4(const FMatrix3 &mat) (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | inline |
Get(int col, int row) const (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | inline |
GetData() const (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | inline |
GetTrans() const (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | |
Identity() (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | |
Invert(const FMatrix4 &src) (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | |
IsIdentity() const (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | |
MakeScale(float x, float y, float z) (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | |
operator!=(const FMatrix4 &mat) const (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | inline |
operator()(int col, int row) const (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | inline |
operator=(const FMatrix3 &mat) (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | inline |
operator==(const FMatrix4 &mat) const (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | inline |
PostMult(const FMatrix4 &mat) (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | |
PostMult(const FPoint3 &v) const (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | inline |
PreMult(const FMatrix4 &mat) (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | |
PreMult(const FPoint3 &v) const (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | inline |
Set(int col, int row, float v) (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | inline |
SetData(FMatrix4Data data_in) (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | inline |
SetFromMatrix3(const FMatrix3 &mat) (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | |
SetFromVectors(const FPoint3 &pos, const FPoint3 &forward, const FPoint3 &up) (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | |
SetRow(int row, float f0, float f1, float f2, float f3) (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | |
SetTrans(FPoint3 pos) (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | |
Transform(const FPoint3 &src, FPoint3 &dst) const (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | |
TransformVector(const FPoint3 &tmp, FPoint3 &dst) const (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 | |
Translate(const FPoint3 &vec) (defined in FMatrix4) | FMatrix4 |