Imagery: Free Sources and Directories
(Earth Science Data Interface) at the University of Maryland
Land Cover Facility)
- great map interface for finding imagery
- includes LandSat7 imagery (coverage shown to the right)
- each LS band is a separate 8-bit TIF file, so you can (must)
assemble them yourself into RGB images
- MODIS Rapid Response
- provides true-color, 250m images of large parts of the world
- JPEG files, with world files, mostly in Sinusoidal projection
- though the focus of this site is on fires and other atmospheric
issues, they nonetheless serve up an amazing amount of beautiful
cloud-free coverage, such as the entire countries of Korea and Tibet
- although the files works reasonably well with the assumption they
are in normal Sinusoidal projection, they are reportedly actually in a
special "Integerized Sinusoidal" (ISIN) projection
- ISIN is not supported by most software, so they provide the free
Reprojection Tool to project the data to other, well-known
- the
Visible Earth: MODIS page also has a set of imagery, but it is not
as extensive or useful
- JPL OnEarth Global Mosaic

- a server using the WMS protocol to serve combinations of all nine
spectral bands of Landsat7 data
- includes a very nice 15m true-color pan-merge layer, which has
reasonable image quality, although it suffers from the usual problem of
LandSat bands which have not been individually color-balanced, as well
as cloud cover
- you can use their simple web-based browser, but since it is WMS, you
can also use any WMS-enabled client such as
World Wind for a more
powerful browsing experience
- DigitalGlobe
- Although DG is a commercial imagery vendor, they have program called
Point of Interest
which provides free access to a 10 sq. km. area to US and Canadian
governmental agencies (Non-Defense)
- OpenAerialMap
- An open collection of aerial photographs, collected into a single
coherent view of the world, served with a WMS. You can upload your
own imagery.
- NASA ESAD - Earth Science
Applications Directorate
- ESAD article at shows how to get free false-color imagery from their
MrSID browser
- in fact, this is an excellent source of LandSat5 (1990) data for the
entire globe
- it is not true-color or cloud-free
Geospatial Data Gateway
- uses a Java-based map interface to allow selecting a geographic
area, display of (US Federal data) layers available, then FTP download
or CDROM/DVD delivery
- includes a great deal of CIR (Color Infrared) aerial photos which
are otherwise spread out on servers in individual states

NGA Raster Roam
- when you can't find any imagery
for some part of the northern hemisphere, try this NGA server which
might have old 10 meter Digital Orthorectified Imagery (DOI 10) of your
- ISS EarthKAM Datasystem
- has visible-spectrum images taken from the International Space
- see EarthKAM article
at for more information
- earthinfo
- a free, useful website which provides online geographic browsing,
with links to both government and commercial sites which can provide
access to imagery
- Global Land 1-KM
AVHRR Project (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer)
- the data is rough, low-quality - but coverage is global
- The JPL image archive's
Mission to Planet Earth
- has some high-res false-color
- includes good images of the great wall of china, central Italy,
parts of the bay area, and parts of Hawai‘i
- ResMap
- although ResMap is a commercial company, you can browse their
extensive imagery online and download (most of) the layers for free
- see their
- NASA Ames
- has a large collection of
visible-spectrum images taken from the shuttle, but nearly all of
them are low-contrast, clouded and oblique
- NASA Image eXchange (NIX)
- a Canadian
website that offers LandSat coverage for all of Canada and for part of
the northern United States
- Cryptome Eyeball Series
- a large set of high-resolution aerials of locations with some
political significance; they are reportedly from the USGS, possibly via
National Map
Commercial sources and vendors
(large list)