This is the text of an e-mail message from Bill Anderson, Manager of 
Client Support Systems at Geographic Data BC, sent in response to a 
Freedom of Information request. It was passed on to the website  

File:   292-01-001                              Date:   October 28, 1999

Dear [applicant] :

        I have confirmed that I am liberty to answer your questions
of formal FOI channels.
1)              The total cost of development of LandData BC between
and 1998 has been $11.1 million
                dollars and includes all third party hardware and
purchased to design, prototype,
                develop, host, manage and deploy the application.
2)              MacDonald Dettwiler has received fees totalling $9.7
3)            Spatial data sales revenue from June 1998 through
1999 has been $1,082,894.77.
4)              $461,927.66 has been received from sales to provincial
5)              $28,101.50 has been received from sales to provincial
6)              $4,588.50 has been received from sales to municipal
7)              $24,401.70 has been received from sales to federal
government departments.
8)              $5,701.84 has been received from sales to educational
9)              $3.42 has been received from sales to other provincial
government agencies.
10)             $1,635.90 has been received from sales to non-profit
11)             $10,546.00 has been received from sales of data not
by Geographic Data BC.

        I hope that you find this satisfactory. If you have any further
questions please contact me by return e-mail or at (250) 387-9306.

Bill Anderson
Client Support Systems
Geographic Data BC

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [Applicant]
> Sent: Sunday, October 24, 1999 9:46 PM
> To:   [Land Data BC]
> Subject:      FOI Request
> Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of
> British Columbia, I request the following information from the BC
> Ministry of Environment, Lands, and Parks:
> 1) What has been the total cost of development of the LandData BC
> project for sale of government spatial data over the Internet ? For
> clarification, this should do not include any costs of data capture or
> data processing by Geographic Data BC for the TRIM, BTM, Heights of Land
> database, and their other digital data products.
> 2) How much of the cost of 1) has been spent with MacDonald Dettwiler ?
> 3) What has been the total sales income derived from selling spatial
> data through Land Data BC ?
> 4) How much of the sales income in 3) has been derived from sales to
> a) the BC provincial goverment and provincial crown agencies
> b) other governments within BC
> c) other governments not included in 1 or 2, and taxpayer-funded or
> controlled agencies?
> 5) How much of the sales income in 3) has been derived from sales of
> data NOT produced by Geographic Data BC (eg not including TRIM, BTM,
> Watershed Ranking Tool)?
> Thank you,
> [Applicant]